Thursday, 27 April 2023

Coma Overview


The symptoms of a coma commonly include:Closed eyes.
  1. Depressed brainstem reflexes, such as pupils not responding to light.
  2. No responses of limbs except for reflex movements.
  3. No response to painful stimuli except for reflex movements.
  4. Irregular breathing.


Many types of problems can cause a coma. Some examples are:

  • Traumatic brain injuries. These are often caused by traffic collisions or acts of violence.
  • Stroke. Reduced or stopped blood supply to the brain, known as a stroke, can result from blocked arteries or a burst blood vessel.
  • Tumors. Tumors in the brain or brainstem can cause a coma.
  • Diabetes. Blood sugar levels that become too high or too low can cause a coma.
  • Lack of oxygen. People who have been rescued from drowning or revived after a heart attack might not awaken due to lack of oxygen to the brain.
  • Infections. Infections such as encephalitis and meningitis cause swelling of the brain, spinal cord or the tissues that surround the brain. Severe cases of these infections can result in brain damage or a coma.
  • Seizures. Ongoing seizures can lead to a coma.
  • Toxins. Exposure to toxins, such as carbon monoxide or lead, can cause brain damage and a coma.
  • Drugs and alcohol. Overdosing on drugs or alcohol can result in a coma.


Although many people gradually recover from a coma, others enter a persistent vegetative state or die. Some people who recover from a coma end up with major or minor disabilities.

During a coma, bedsores, urinary tract infections, blood clots in the legs and other problems may develop.


Because people in a coma can't express themselves, health care providers must rely on physical clues and information provided by families and friends. Be prepared to provide information about the affected person, including:
  • Events leading up to the coma such as vomiting or headaches.
  • Details about how the affected person lost consciousness, including whether it occurred quickly or over time.
  • Noticeable symptoms before losing consciousness.
  • Medical history, including other conditions the person may have had in the past. This includes whether the person has had a stroke or ministroke.
  • Recent changes in the person's health or behavior.
  • The person's drug use, including prescription and nonprescription medicines, unapproved medicines, and illicit drugs.


A coma is a medical emergency. Health care providers typically first check the affected person's airway and help maintain breathing and circulation. Providers might give breathing assistance, medicines through a vein and other supportive care.

Treatment depends on the cause of the coma. A procedure or medicines to relieve pressure on the brain due to brain swelling might be needed. Emergency responders might give glucose or antibiotics through a vein in the arm. These may be given even before blood test results return in cases of very low blood sugar or an infection affecting the brain.

If the coma is the result of drug overdose, health care providers typically give medicines to treat the condition. If the coma is due to seizures, medicines can control seizures. Other treatments might focus on medicines or therapies to address an underlying disease, such as diabetes or liver disease.

Sometimes the cause of a coma can be completely reversed, and the affected person regains function. Recovery usually occurs gradually. A person with severe brain damage might have permanent disabilities or never regain consciousness.
Preparing for your appointment

A coma is an emergency medical condition. If you are with a person who develops symptoms of a coma, call 911 or emergency medical help immediately.


Tuesday, 25 April 2023

What You Need To Know About Stem Cells


How Have Stem Cells Changed Treatment For Degenerative Diseases

Regenerative medicine, which relies on the near-magic of human stem cells, has come far in the last two decades. For medical problems that once seemed past all hope – such as leukemia and other types of cancer, degenerative diseases like osteoarthritis, or traumatic injury to the body – humanity now has a range of solutions based on actually regrowing injured or damage systems.

How Do Cells Work?

The human body comprises trillions of cells. When like cells work together, these are known as tissues. We have many types of tissue, such as nervous, cardiac, liver and so much more.

Cells are complex structures that have dedicated purposes, depending on their location and function in the body. In other words, the inner and outer structure of each cell varies with the job it does. However, they share similarities across tissue types, including an outer membrane, inner organelles (the cell’s own “organs”) and a nucleus containing our genetic code or DNA.

By dividing constantly, cells are able to maintain the functionality of muscles, organs, tissues, and blood. Over time, the older cells die off and get recycled by the body, while younger cells take their place. The result is a cycle of birth that mimics life itself. It keeps a human body going for as much as a hundred years – and maybe more.

Unfortunately, while cells are nothing short of miraculous in their machinery, most cell divisions can’t keep going forever.

Why Don’t All Cells Reproduce Forever?

Some parts of the body do produce more stem cells on their own. For instance, bone marrow is capable of producing stem cells that differentiate into various types of blood cells. For that reason, most people do not need to worry about their blood becoming compromised over time, except in cases where the cells themselves are defective (ex. sickle-cell anemia), or cases where the bone marrow itself suffers damage (ex. leukemia). Normally, though, if you have blood drawn, or even if you lose a lot of it to injury, you can make more.

Other parts of the body are not so lucky, however. We come into this world with a limited number of some types of cells. Other cell types can proliferate, but to a limited extent. When damage occurs to the heart or brain, if it is severe enough, there is usually no saving the victim.

The same is true for cartilage cells. Degenerative conditions such as osteoarthritis, in which cartilage in the joints breaks down over time, eventually result in a painful grinding of bone on bone. In some cases, surgery or over-the-counter medicine can help. In others, steroid injections may provide relief. But, few approaches (if any) can help the cartilage to grow back.

Then there is the fact that cells simply get “old.” After a certain number of divisions, the cells can start to have problems. That’s because the ends of each chromosome (strands of DNA all coiled up into compact shapes), start to unravel. These sites – called telomeres – degrade over time, resulting in worse and worse copies of your genetic information. These “senescent cells” just aren’t good anymore.

How Do Stem Cells Help?

Stem cells solve this problem of finite cell division, as well as the problem of traumatic injury to parts of the body that cannot repair themselves.

Unlike regular cells, which have a dedicated role, stem cells can turn into many types of cell. So, for instance, a muscle cell could never fill in for a blood cell or heart cell. That’s not what it’s made for. However, a stem cell could see a need in the body, head to that location (called “honing”) and become the necessary cell type through a guided transformation involving chemicals, growth factors and other complex determinants.

In addition, stem cells are the foundation of development in complex plants and animals. The embryo, or extremely early life stage, contains stem cells. As development progresses, these stem cells turn into the different cell types needed to create a fully functioning human, cow, or tree. They turn into the tissue-specific cells discussed above.

Some types of stem cells (discussed below) are only present in the earliest stages of development, while other types remain throughout the remainder of fetal development (in mammals, anyway). Still, others remain present in the body throughout an adult’s lifetime.

What Types of Stem Cells Exist?

A range of stem cells exist. The first distinction is between adult and embryonic stem cells, while the second main distinction is between the level of capability stem cells possess to turn into other types of cells. Note the overlap between the two categories.

Embryonic Stem Cells

When two gametes unite to form an embryo, new life is initiated. After 3 to five days, the embryo becomes a blastocyst composed of roughly 150 cells. During this time, embryonic stem cells start to form. Present at the earliest stages of life, embryonic stem cells can form any of the more than 200 cell types present in the human body.
Quickly, embryonic stem cells start to specialize and lose their ability to turn into any type of cell.

Adult Stem Cells

Adult stem cells are present in the human body after birth, during childhood, and throughout the adult lifespan. They exist in a number of places, including within the teeth, liver, brain, skeletal muscle, gut, ovarian epithelium, testis, heart, and a few other places. However, the most common places from which to harvest those cells today include the bone marrow, adipose tissue (fat cells), and peripheral blood.

Tissue-Specific (Multipotent) Stem Cells

Adult stem cells are tissue-specific, meaning that they can become a limited number of cell types. An example of tissue-specific stem cells includes the mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), which can develop into many of the cells associated with the skeletal system, such as bone cells, cartilage cells, muscle cells, and fat cells. Similarly, hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) can give rise to a wide range of blood cells, including white blood cells, platelets, red blood cells and more.
Tissue-specific stem cells are multipotent stem cells, because they can turn into many different, but not all, types of cells.

Pluripotent Stem Cells

Pluripotent stem cells are so named because they are able to turn into any cell in the body. These are found only in the earliest stages of embryonic development. In 2006, scientists also discovered a way to “induce” pluripotency, as described below in the section on induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs).

How Are Stem Cells Used in Medicine?

Stem cells are used in a variety of ways in medicine. For instance, when a person has a blood or bone marrow disorder, they may receive a stem cell transplant. If they have lost the ability to manufacture their own new marrow or blood cells, then replenishing their stem cells will renew that function.

Monday, 24 April 2023

Overview of neurological conditions description

Neurology is a branch of medicine that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of disorders involving the brain and nervous system. The neurological system includes the brain, spinal cord, cranial nerves, peripheral nerves, nerve roots, autonomic nervous system, neuromuscular junctions, and muscles.

Together, these structures control communication between different parts of the body, enabling movement, thought, and sensory perception.

Our neurologists treat all types of conditions related to the nervous system, including:

  • Blood vessel disorders, including carotid artery stenosis and stroke
  • Brain tumors, including nonmalignant (noncancerous) brain tumors
  • Brain injuries, such as an injury due to concussion or blunt-force trauma
  • Dementia and related conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease
  • Epilepsy and other seizure disorders and syndromes
  • Headache and migraine
  • Movement disorders, including Parkinson’s disease
  • Neurodevelopmental disabilities, including cerebral palsy
  • Neuromuscular diseases, including multiple sclerosis and muscular dystrophy
  • Peripheral nerve injury, including carpal tunnel syndrome and trigeminal neuralgia
  • Postherpetic neuralgia, or persistent pain following an episode of shingles
  • Psychological behaviors related to brain disease or dysfunction
  • Sleep disorders, including insomnia and restless leg syndrome
  • Spine injury, trauma, or degeneration (breakdown), including spinal stenosis in the cervical (neck) or lumbar (low back) areas

Our neurologists also oversee rehabilitation services after surgery and help people regain function after a neurological event, such as a stroke.

  • If you are experiencing neurological symptoms or have questions, we can help. Our expert team consists of skilled neurologists who work closely with neurosurgeons to provide highly specialized services to adults and children.

neurology treatment may involve:

  • Medication therapy, which is often the primary treatment
  • Care for stroke, traumatic brain injury, and other conditions
  • Physical or occupational therapy for rehabilitation from neurological conditions
  • Minor diagnostic procedures such as myelography (imaging of spine) and spinal tap

Treatment and prevention of neurological conditions vary, depending on severity. Your neurologist may recommend medication and surgery. In some cases, your doctor may request that you be admitted for rehabilitation and more intensive care. Your neurologist will work with you to create a treatment plan that meets your needs and goals.

Our expert team specializes in treating the full range of neurological conditions. If you or a loved one have a neurological condition that requires support, you can trust Dignity Health.

The information contained in this article is meant for educational purposes only and should not replace advice from your healthcare provider.


#neurologicalconditions #braindisorders #spinalcorddisorders #nervoussystemdisorders #Alzheimersdisease #Parkinsonsdisease #multiplesclerosis #epilepsy #migraine #Huntingtons disease #ALS #stroke #traumaticbraininjury #Tourettesyndrome #neurology #neuroscience #brainhealth #mentalhealth

Wednesday, 19 April 2023


Nociceptors are located in various tissues throughout the body, including the skin, muscles, joints, and internal organs. They respond to stimuli such as heat, cold, pressure, and chemical substances released by damaged cells.

When a nociceptor is activated, it sends signals along nerve fibers to the spinal cord and eventually to the brain. The brain then processes the signals and creates the sensation of pain. This process is important for our survival as it helps us avoid potentially harmful stimuli and take appropriate actions to protect ourselves.

Nociception is distinct from pain, which is the subjective experience of discomfort or suffering that may result from nociceptive signals reaching the brain. While nociception is a necessary physiological process, pain can be both a physical and emotional experience that is influenced by a range of factors including past experiences, beliefs, and culture.

#nociception #painperception #neuroscience #painmanagement #nociceptors

Saturday, 15 April 2023

Rare Disease Day: Updates on Friedreich Ataxia and Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy

Since 2008, the medical field has designated February 28 as Rare Disease Day, a day to honor patients with all varieties of rare diseases. The international celebration has been practiced since 2009, when the National Organization for Rare Disorders offered its hand in spreading the day to others, helping to get advocacy groups in the United States—and eventually around the world—to observe the day.

NeurologyLive® proudly works in partnership with several rare disease advocacy organizations—including the ALS Association, Cure SMA, the Dravet Syndrome Foundation, the Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome Foundation, the TSC Alliance—aiming to increase awareness and inform clinicians of the latest advances for these rare and challenging-to-treat disorders. In observance of Rare Disease Day, our team spoke with experts on the current state of care and treatment for a few rare diseases implicated in neurological care, including Friedreich ataxia, myotonic muscular dystrophy, among others.

Switch between the slides below to learn more about the progress in Friedreich ataxia and myotonic muscular dystrophy. For more updates on progress in rare diseases, check out our updates on Pompe disease and Rett syndrome.

First described by German physician Nikolaus Friedreich in 1863, Friedreich Ataxia (FA) is a rare, inherited, degenerative disorder that damages the spinal cord, peripheral nerves, and cerebellum portion of the brain. About 1 in 50,000 people in the US has FA, with an estimated 15,000 affected individuals worldwide. Symptoms of FA typically begin to occur between the ages of 5 and 18 years, with late onset occurring in less than one-fourth of the population. FA progresses slow, and the sequence and severity of its progression is highly variable.1

There are a number of physical symptoms these patients face, including trouble walking, tiredness, loss of sensation and reflexes, slow or slurred speech, hearing and vision loss, chest pain, shortness of breath, and heart palpitations. Fatigue, an issue seen across all of neurology, remains among the most notable symptoms, says Giovanni Manfredi, MD.

"You measure the strength of these people and the muscle seems to be working pretty well, but they get tired quickly,” he said. "That’s probably a bioenergetic problem, right? Even though the instantaneous strength is not affected so much, the ability to perform aerobic exercise, for example, is quite affected. That is at every organ level." Manfredi currently serves as a professor of neurology at Weill Cornell Medical College and a professor of neuroscience at Weill’s Brain and Mind Research Institute.

The other major area of need for FA is cardiac dysfunction, which is widely accepted as the most common cause of mortality in these patients. Nearly all patients with FA develop cardiomyopathy at some point in their lives.2 The cardiac involvement seen in the disease is believed to be a consequence of mitochondrial proliferation as well as the loss of contractile proteins and the subsequent development of myocardial fibrosis. Previous research has shown that dilated cardiomyopathy and arrhythmia are associated with mortality in FA, whereas hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is not.3

"There are some symptomatic treatments that limit the amount of neuropathic pain or the amount of stiffness that can treat the late phases of cardiomyopathy and end stage heart failure. But other than that, there’s truly nothing other than treating symptoms,” David Lynch, MD, PhD, a neurologist in the Division of Neurology at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and director of the Friedreich’s Ataxia Program, told NeurologyLive®.

Both Lynch and Manfredi serve on the Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance’s (FARA) Scientific Advisory Board, with Lynch as an advisor and Manfredi as a co-chair. Manfredi’s main focus of research in his laboratory is on the regulation of mitochondrial metabolism in diseases associated with mitochondrial dysfunction, such as FA. Lynch has been a part of research efforts in FA that include double-blind clinical trials, identifying biomarkers, and leading mechanistic studies in animal and cellular models.

Trials on omaveloxelone, a promising agent in development for FA, were led by Lynch and others. The phase 2 MOXIe extension study (NCT02255435) was the main trial that supported the new drug application of the therapy, which targets NrF2 pathways. In MOXIe, changes from baseline in the primary end point of modified Friedreich's Ataxia Rating Scale (mFARS) scores in the omaveloxolone group (–1.55 points; SD, 0.69) and placebo group (0.85 points; SD, 0.64) showed a significant between-group difference of –2.40 points (SD, 0.96; P = .014). Additionally, transient reversible increases in aminotransferase levels were observed in omaveloxolone without increases in total bilirubin or other signs of liver injury.4

The FDA extended the review period for omaveloxolone in August 2022 as a result of newly submitted supportive data.5 If approved, it would become the first therapy specific to treat patients with FA. "It’s a good drug, maybe even a very good drug. It’s not a cure,” Lynch stated. "One fortunate thing is it does not have many adverse events associated with it. It’s what we like to call a clean drug. It can be well managed, and I think everyone will probably give it a try once it’s available."

Giovanni suggested similar thoughts, but noted the agent’s approval could springboard future drug development. "I do not believe a drug like omaveloxolone will drastically change the disease course, but it may have an impact. Evidence so far suggests there is a slowdown, a delay in disease progression, at least for that time period." If approved, he noted "at that point, there are many drugs that could potentially be competing in the same space. Omaveloxolone is going to be the benchmark. Everything is going to be measured against that. For a new drug to be approved along the same disease mechanisms, it will have to be substantially better."

Omaveloxolone treats a downstream mechanism of FA, not the original root cause of the disease. FA, a progressive neurodegenerative disease, is caused by a genetic deficiency of frataxin, a small nuclear-encoded mitochondrial protein. Frataxin deficiency leads to impairment of iron-sulphur cluster synthesis, and consequently, ATP production abnormalities.6

In recent years, significant advances in gene replacement therapy and ability to edit genes have garnered much interest as a treatment approach for FA. Considering almost all patients with the disease have the same single gene mutation, it’s an approach that could have promising results. While these patients only make 50% of normal frataxin, it’s believed that they are less likely to have an immune response to replacing this protein.

Most of the studies assessing gene therapy approaches have not made it out of preclinical stages, but this could change in the coming years, Lynch stated. "I would expect that this would come to fruition and we’ll move forward again. The issue will be that we cannot replace frataxin in every cell in the body. Pick the times you need, understand the adverse events, and then figure out where you can do it."

There are several approaches in the pipeline aiming to replace frataxin deficiency, including the use of stem cell therapies, specifically autologous stem cell therapy. A 2014 paper exploring the idea of autologous stem cell transplant for FA concluded that transfected bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells could retain the ability to differentiate into neurons and cardiomyocytes.7

The paper, written by Naoki Tajiri, PhD, PT, et al, also noted that "More importantly, determination of genetic correction of GAA repeats, fraxatin mRNA levels, and frataxin protein expression will be key outcome measures of a robust stem cell donor for FRDA. The basic science, translational, and clinical significance of this envisioned gene-based stem cell therapy is the demonstration that bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells from patients with FA subjected to genetic correction will display phenotypes of healthy neurons and cardiomyocytes and free of FA-associated disease hallmarks, thereby representing a novel source of transplantable autologous cells for FRDA patients."

Lynch believes the current progress of stem cell research is similar to where gene therapy is now, stating that both have issues with location. "Where can you get to? Can you get the right cells? And how broad can you get? These are not easily solved, but they will be solved," he said.

Other research effort outside of gene and cell therapy or replacement strategies include a better understanding of the mitochondrial defects associated with the disease, developing new animal models of FA that closely mimic the gene mutations found in the disease, and developing biomarkers for future clinical trials.

"When you think of Rare Disease Day, the FA field is a community of patients, caregivers, researchers, and clinicians, just like the whole rare disease community. It’s very much the same, all working forward and hopefully learning from each other. Through that sort of approach, we can make true progress," Lynch concluded.

#ataxia #neurologicaldisorders #coordinationproblems #balanceissues #tremors #speechdifficulties #musclecontrol #mobilitychallenges #adaptivedevices #physicaltherapy